This is the only picture I have of the 3 of us. It was the last evening and we drove to Point of Rocks just south of Ft. Davis to climb the neat rock formations (okay, Kasey and I climbed - Kelly and Ava hung out at the bottom). The quality of the picture is poor because I had to set the camera up on a rock across the parking lot and the sun was shining in the lens. :( Still, not too bad - smiles all around!

So this is Ft. Davis. It is absolutely an incredibly beautiful place. The structures in the background are officer quarters at the old fort and the tall plants in the foreground are called Century Plants (common name). These plants grow for years and years (a century?), produce this tall stalk 1 time - and then die. It is hard to tell, but the plants that have the 'blooms' are actually very large. There is a younger plant in the right foreground that will triple in size before blooming and dying.
We had a really great time together. Somehow we managed to relax and still get alot done. We toured the old fort, went hiking one morning at the Chihuahuan Dessert Research Institute, and then went again for a night hike (amazing!), drove to Alpine and ate at the original Reata, went swimming, went window shopping, and oh yeah - made an emergency trip to the vet to hook up Alex and Zappa to IVs after they ingested some prescription medicine (after hours vet visit, IVs, full blood work, 24 hour stay...$$$$!!). Oh well, they are no worse for the wear and I would have spent that $500+ on something.
I am going to post more pictures on my Facebook - it is a little easier to do it there.
I am so thankful for my daughters.
That century plant picture came out great! I love it!